The Worst Tyre Ever

Seriously?  Halfway through our trip, the car tyre went BOOM?  I walked out of the car and looked at the inflated tyre unhappily.

It was our road trip to Cherating.  We started, happy, in fact very happy at first, but the inflated tyre came along, and it was disappointing.  Very disappointing.  I don’t know about my family, but they, too, had a frown on their faces.

Fortunately, Dad had parked his car in the emergency lane, so we could call someone to fix the car tyre.

Maybe it was just our luck, because before Dad could fish out his mobile phone from his pocket, another car parked along the emergency lane.  The driver came out.  He wore a windbreaker with a black shirt underneath, with a black leather jeans to top it off.

He started to examine the tyre.  He said, “You have a nail in it.  I could change your tyre for you.  That is, if you have a spare tyre.”  Mom answered, “Of course we do!  We will be extremely grateful if you can help us.”  She added, “We also have a jack in our boot.” Mom gave him the supplies and the man bent to the task.

In 15 minutes, he was done.

“Oh, my!  That was fast!” I gasped.

The man smiled, “I’m used to it.  Happy to help!”

Mom offered to pay the man for his service. He said, “No, thank you.” And waved goodbye before disappearing into his vehicle.

We got into the car and continued our journey to Cherating.


Chen Li Shan, 9


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